Sumela Monastery, Trabzon

Sumela Monastery is an Orthodox monastery located in northeastern Turkey on the coast of the Black Sea in the Trabzon province.

Also known as the Monastery of Virgin Mary, the name Sumela is derived from a legend that says the monks who built the monastery found an icon of Virgin Mary in a cave on the mountain.

Location of Sumela Monastery in Trabzon:

Sumela Monastery is situated on steep slopes in the region of Maçka, amid the dense forests known as Altındere National Park.

Contents of Sumela Monastery:

The monastery comprises numerous prayer rooms, study rooms, a rock church, a kitchen, a guesthouse, a library, and a sacred spring venerated by the Orthodox.

Founding Date of Sumela Monastery:

The founding date of Sumela Monastery can be traced back to the reign of Theodosius I, specifically in the year 386 AD.

Founders: The Greek monks Barnabas and Sophronios.

Expansion Date: 1860 AD

Location of Sumela Monastery on Maps: Altındere, 61750 Maçka/Trabzon

Sumela Monastery, Trabzon Kaymakli silo Berlin Cathedral Notre Dame Cathedral Saint-Chapelle Church St. Stephen's Cathedral Sagrada Familia Barcelona Cathedral St. Michael's Cathedral and Gudla Florence Cathedral St. Paul's Cathedral Helsinki Cathedral Milan Cathedral (Duomo di Milano) Basilica San Marco (Saint Mark's) Church of St. Maria

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