The legend of the blue cave.. the abode of demons!

The Blue Grotto, also known as Grotta Azzurra, is one of the world's wonders formed by the enchanting forces of nature. It is located in the city of Capri, a part of the province of Naples in Italy. The site attracts tourists from around the world due to its unique beauty and the crystal-clear waters of the Tyrrhenian Sea.

The Legend of the Blue Grotto:

The Blue Grotto is a submerged rocky cavity emitting a blue light. According to some Roman tales, the cave was believed to be the dwelling place of demons and water nymphs due to its blue light. In reality, the blue light is a result of sunlight reflecting. The cave's hollow and the clarity of its waters create this mesmerizing blue light that captivates anyone who sees it.

The length of the Blue Grotto is approximately 50 meters, with a width of 30 meters. The inner part of the cave, known as the Dome (Cathedral), reaches a height of about 144 meters, with the water depth underneath it reaching 133 meters.

Boat Trip Schedule to the Blue Grotto:

Boat trips are organized daily to explore the Blue Grotto from within. The trip schedules are as follows:

Summer Season: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM

Winter Season: 09:00 AM - 03:30 PM

Trip schedules may vary based on weather conditions.


80071 Anacapri, Naples, Italy

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