Denmark - Unraveling the Enchantment of Rich History and Scenic Beauty

The information about Denmark is almost incalculable, especially the tourist information, as it is a country that has existed for hundreds of years despite its different names throughout the ages, and there are many historical and contemporary tourist places that any tourist should visit Europe to visit because of the greatness of appearance and the interest shown by the Government of Denmark in tourism. So what do you know about Denmark?

Denmark officially known as Kingdom of Denmark, is a country located in the region Scandinavia in northern Europe and its capital Copenhagen. It covers an area of 42,933 square kilometers glands population 5.806 million people. Greenland and the Faroe Islands are two autonomous regions Denmark, in other words, are free in their internal affairs and depend on the Government of Denmark in their affairs External, Iceland was until 1944 Follows Danish rule.

A large part of Denmark is located on the Greater Jylland Peninsula Danish islands. In addition, the islands located in the Baltic Sea belong to Denmark. The country's southern neighbor is Germany, while Sweden is its eastern neighbor. Denmark has been a member of the European Union since 1973.

History of the Kingdom of Denmark:

 Vikings The first tribe to dominate Denmark and rule from the century Eighth to eleventh century. Vikings founded colonies in West, reaching Great Britain, Iceland, Greenland and even North America. In the east, they established settlements extending to the shores of the Black and Caspian Seas. It was a big part of it England under the rule of the Vikings known as the "Warrior Nation".

Scandinavian Harald I managed Blue Fang Harald for the first time in 980 From creating a kingdom by uniting Denmark and Norway. He also converted to Christianity with influence German missionaries. In 1363, married The fourth Danish king with Valdemar's daughter Margrethe The first was the sixth king of Norway and united the two countries under one flag. And in 1397, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and their colonies (Faroe Islands, Iceland and Greenland) united and Finland) in a great Scandinavian empire under the name of the Kalmar Union.

In 1521, Sweden formally left the Kalmar Union. Meanwhile, I was shaken Nordic countries due to the Protestant Reformation launched by Martin Luther in Germany. I continued Denmark and Norway working together under the name Denmark-Norway until 1821. In the early In the nineteenth century, Denmark was shaken to its foundations by the Napoleonic Wars. And it was fleet The United Kingdom had attacked Copenhagen in 1801. Denmark was then forced to leave Norway to Sweden, which was a member of the party that won War according to the Treaty of Kiel signed in 1814 When Denmark's ally France lost the war.

In the early years of the twentieth century, the Danish colonies in Caribbean to the United States. Denmark remained neutral during the wars Globalism. and on Although it remained neutral during World War II, it was occupied by Germany on the 9th April 1940. In response, the United Kingdom Army occupied the Faroe Islands and Iceland. Then I announced Iceland declared its independence on June 17, 1944 and left Denmark. On the other hand, the islands were returned Faroes to Denmark in 1948.

After the two world wars, Denmark ended its neutrality policy, becoming a member of the United Nations in 1945. In 1949 it became one of the founding members of NATO Atlantic. Denmark, which joined the European Union on January 1, 1973, preferred to stay Outside the European Union in some cases. For example, after the rejection of the 2000 referendum Denmark has chosen to remain outside the eurozone.

Climate in Denmark:

Denmark is located in northern Europe, and it is under the influence of temperate climate. The country enjoys mild winters with temperatures dropping to 15 degrees Fahrenheit January. In Denmark, which enjoys cool summers, the average temperature is In August 17.2 degrees.

Tourism in Denmark:

In general, most of the tourist places are located in Copenhagen, the capital, and the government of Denmark relies heavily on tourism in the national income, so Copenhagen alone attracts nearly 3 million tourists annually, due to the country's interest in tourism.  

    The most famous tourist places in Denmark:

    - Nyhavn Neighborhood

    The life of the Nyhavn neighborhood dates back to the seventeenth century AD, and the neighborhood was built by King Christian V and the canal was dug from Before the Danish-Swiss POWs that.. 

    - Tivoli Gardens

    Tivoli Gardens is one of the most famous and popular tourist destinations in Copenhagen, and the recreational games are surrounded by vast green spaces of nature and commensurate with.. 

    - Rosenberg Castle

    was Rosenberg CastleCopenhagen in Denmark, and this house was expanded throughout history until it became.. 

    - Christiansborg Castle

    Christiansborg Palace was built in three phases starting in 1745 AD in the Baroque (neoclassical) style. The story of building Christiansborg Palace began from a castle.. 

    - Amalienborg Palace

    Amalienborg Palace was built in 1750 AD in a modern architectural style by the Rococo architect, and the palace square is filled with tourists to watch..

    - Copenhagen Opera House

    Copenhagen Opera House It is the newest opera house in the world, It was built in the capital Copenhagen 2005 AD by Mercik Mueller  Denmark  

    - Danish National Gallery

    The museum displays the Danish and European heritage, antiquities and artifacts belonging to kings, as well as the paintings of the most famous artists in Europe such as Titian,.. 

    - Basin National fish (blue planet)

    The blue planet is famous for the iconic shape of the building. The building was opened to the public in 2013. It is a very immersive science museum, as  The basin is built in the shape of.. 


    Binary code Triple code Phone code Population
    DK DNK 45 5827463


    name native name Binary code Triple code
    Danish dansk da dan


    name Code symbol
    Danish krone DKK kr

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