
Makkah (also spelled as Mecca) is a sacred city for Muslims and is located in the western part of Saudi Arabia. It is the birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and houses the Masjid al-Haram (the Sacred Mosque) and the Kaaba, which is the Qibla for Muslims. Millions of Muslims from around the world visit Makkah annually to perform religious rituals and Hajj.

Makkah covers an area of 850 square kilometers and has a population of over 1.5 million.


Makkah was initially a small village inhabited by the descendants of Prophet Adam (peace be upon him). It witnessed various historical periods, including the era of ignorance (pre-Islamic period) and the Islamic era. It became a significant religious and commercial center in the region. Abraha, the Abyssinian ruler, built the Church of Qulays in Yemen to attract people for pilgrimage, but the incident of Abraha's army being destroyed by birds is well-known in Islamic history. The same year in which the Prophet Muhammad was born is referred to as the "Year of the Elephant."

The Prophet Muhammad began his Islamic mission in Makkah at the age of forty, but he faced opposition and hostility from the Quraysh elite. After migrating to Madinah, he returned to Makkah and conquered it in the eighth year after the migration. Since then, Islamic rule has continued in the city.


Makkah experiences a hot desert climate, with extremely high temperatures during the summer, reaching up to 44 degrees Celsius. The winter climate is warm, with temperatures ranging from 17 degrees Celsius at night to 25 degrees Celsius during the day.

Famous Places to Visit:

  • The Kaaba (Masjid al-Haram).
  • Bab Makkah (Makkah Gate).
  • Jabal Arafat (Mount Arafat).
  • Cave of Hira (Ghar Hira).
  • Jeddah Fountain (King Fahd Fountain).
  • Souk Okaz.
  • Shubra Palace and Historical Museum.
  • Bayt Nasif Museum and Palace.
  • Shallah Fun City (Shallal Theme Park).
  • Sharb Abhur.
  • Hilton Makkah Hotel.
Eastern Jizan Mecca Tabuk Madinah Riyadh

Other cities from the same country as Mecca