
Jizan, also known as Jazan, is a Saudi Arabian coastal city located in the southwestern region on the shores of the Red Sea. It is home to the Jizan Port and the regional airport. Jizan was initially a coastal village in the Tihama region, mentioned by Arab historians and geographers. The name "Jizan" is a recent and distorted term used to differentiate between the coastal city and the newly established administrative region.


Since its establishment, Jizan has been inhabited solely by Arabs, witnessing the pre-Islamic Arab era and later coming under Islamic rule. It eventually became part of Saudi Arabia, which included the regions of Najd and later Hijaz on the Arabian Peninsula. The Saudis showed great interest in Jizan due to its strategic location, making it a vital land and sea trade route connecting Saudi Arabia to Yemen by land and Africa by sea.


Jizan's climate is influenced by its location on the Red Sea coast. In January, the temperature reaches its highest level, reaching up to 31 degrees Celsius, and decreases to 22 degrees Celsius, the lowest level. The average humidity in January is 74%, while in August, it is 66%, with an average of 68% throughout the year.

Tourist Sites:

  • Wadi Lajb
Eastern Jizan Mecca Tabuk Madinah Riyadh

Other cities from the same country as Jizan